Kitten Update: 4 months old!

It’s official: the kittens are exactly four months old today! Can you believe it’s been that long since I was posting adorable baby pictures of them to… well, just about everywhere?

I’ve had a few lovely people enquiring about the kittens recently: how they’re getting on, where are they now and what they look like, so I thought I’d settle everyone’s questions with one big update!

It’s been something of a bittersweet journey between my last kitten post and this. I was so overjoyed to know each kitten was going to a loving home and to be able to keep tabs on them all, but unfortunately, there’s some sad news too. Their mummy, Evie, went missing just before the first kitten left home and weeks later there’s still no sign of her. Evie came into my life just before I graduated in 2012 and she’s been there through some massive milestones for me: leaving University, first jobs, big brithdays… It’s really strange not having her beautiful self with me.

But Evie’s disappearance meant I could keep Jude – who I’d been worried would end up going to strangers and I’d lose all contact with him. So, I suppose every cloud has a silver lining – and I think Jude is certainly the most like his gorgeous Mama – they’re both incredibly aloof and cool (and fluffy).

But back to the topic of this post – how the kittens are getting on. I sent each of their owners (and myself) a little questionnaire and a request for pictures – the answers are below. It’s amazing how different each kitten has grown to be.


Penny1Penny lives with my best friend Ellie in Surrey. This well travelled feline is a constant source of mischief and fun. She’s no stranger to a manic five minutes, loves joining in with the washing up and already has a cat best friend who comes to visit her.Penny2

Nicknames: B.B., The Beeb, Pussk, Princess Penelope, Minky

Personality: Funny, naughty, affectionate, mad, happy.

Hobbies: Chilling out in sink, helping with the washing up (or so she thinks), staring at her garden cat-friend through the window, finding inconvinient places to sit, and making toys from household objects (walnuts and balled up crisp packets are her favourites).

Favourite toy: Her birdie.

Funniest moment: Hearing Penny crying downstairs and, upon investigation, finding her stuck in the leg of a skinny jean.

Naughtiest habit: Biting my ankles.

What does she bring to your life: She’s fluffy and she has a face and I love her.


pepper2My mother is now the proud owner of this insanely charming kitten; no one can resist this boy’s charisma. According to the vet, he’s set to grow into a big cat, so I’m hoping he’ll eventually resemble a small panther. He’s also endlessly cheerful and has the loudest purr in the world!


Nicknames: Peppy, Peps, Pepsi, Boysie.

Personality: Lively, comical, clumsy, cute, cheerful.

Hobbies: Eating, catching flies, jumping, hiding, making toys from random objects – current faves include a bean pod and a brazil nut.

Favourite toy: His little black mouse.

Funniest moment: Finding Pepper hanging by his paws from the landing, perilously dangling over a 10 foot drop. Or when he ran headfirst into the door.

Naughtiest habit: Jumping on window sills. And the time he weed on Kate’s bed (and then she sat on it, excellent practical joker that Pepper).

What does he bring to your life: Joy and fun!


maggie2Miss Maggie lives with my sister Kate, and this is her very first pet of her own! She’s a very friendly poppet who adores attention, adventures and creating havoc. Her best friend is her brother Jude and they’re almost inseparable.


Nicknames: Moo, Mooey, Maggs.

Personality: Weird, adorable, fabulous, greedy, hilarious.

Hobbies: Eating, catching imaginary objects, cuddling and/or annoying people.

Favourite toy: My feet, I seem to be her personal scratching post.

Funniest moment: Finding her in the kitchen bin….not quite sure how that happened… I swear she knows every way to cause mischief! She also once sunbathed in the garden, ran back into the house and looked out of the window to see if she could spot herself outside. She couldn’t.

Naughtiest habit: Stalking you as you try to eat…I don’t want a cat in my face whilst I eat dinner!

What does she bring to your life: Maggie is my best cat friend who cannot talk back to me as she happens to not speak human languages (or can she?!).


jude1Mr. Gorgeous. He is the coolest cat around and enjoys sititng at this window sill to people watch and battle insects. He is a total foodie and loves eating. He loves his sister Maggie very dearly, and they often walk around with their tails entwined. I’ll give you a minute to process that amazingly adorable mental image.


Nicknames: Judey, Judey-Woo, and more formally, “Mr. Woo”.

Personality: Aloof, cool, nature-loving, inquisitive, loyal.

Hobbies: Eating, people watching, nature rambling, insect catching, being aloof and handsome, perfecting the Paul McCartney ‘bitch face’.

Favourite toy: He enjoys chewing my feet nearly as much as any toy mouse or jingly ball.

Funniest moment: Jude is genuinely too cool to do anything embarrassing like his siblings. However, he did slap Kate in the face when she asked to kiss him, which, naturally, I found highly funny.

Naughtiest habit: Eating his sister’s food when she isn’t looking and trying to chew my iPhone/ laptop charger cable.

What does he bring to your life: I like to think Jude teaches me a little something about being cool. Occasionally he also showers me with love and affection. That’s nice too.

I hope you’ve enjoyed catching up with Penny, Pepper, Maggie and Jude! For more pictures, check out my Intagram feed! If you’re feeling nostalgiic, take a look at this post from when they were five weeks old – how they’ve changed!

Until next time,